Annwyl Visitor,
Firstly, let me extend a very warm Croeso to you from everyone here at Park C.P. School, Llay. Choosing a school for your child, is one of the most important decisions you will make. I hope the information provided on our website helps you to gain a further insight into what we will offer your child, should you decide to send him/her to our school.
We aim to ensure that your child’s time with us is enjoyable, productive and a happy, positive, experience that he/she will treasure forever. We strive to provide stimulating learning experiences that capture the interest of the children and give them the best start in their journey of life-long learning. At Park C.P. learning is fun, staff genuinely care about the children and the well-being of each and every child is our priority.
Our school is a place where children are celebrated as individuals; where aspirations are raised and where creativity is promoted. We believe that by fostering strong partnerships between teachers, parents, children and the community we can encourage everyone to achieve their goals and reach their potential.
The needs of all our learners are met by work that is well planned and aims to raise standards in all areas of the curriculum. We place a strong focus on the development of the basic skills: literacy, numeracy and digital competency and promote a love of learning.
Should you have any questions or concerns, or need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact school. I look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Rebecca Billington