Read, Write, Inc.
Read, Write, Inc. is the programme used across our school to teach the children how to be confident readers and writers!
The programme starts in our Nursery classes with children introduced to the sounds around them. This then develops into recognising letters and blending sounds together to form words – or Fred Talking as we call it!
Children using the programme will bring home a book to share on a Friday. They should be able to confidently read this book to you – we call this the celebratory read. It’s a chance for your child to show off their reading skills without any pressure. At the back of the book there are questions for you to ask to ensure understanding. Your child may then like to write simple words or sentences from the story, which is great! Don’t worry about him/her spelling all the words correctly, as long as they’re using their Fred Talk we’ll be happy!
To further support your child, please watch the videos below:
What is Read, Write, Inc. Phonics?
Understanding Phonics:
How to say the sounds:
Listening to your child read:
Why read to your child?
10 Things to Think About:
Reading the stretchy sounds:
Reading the bouncy sounds:
Sound blending:
Reading the digraphs:
Supporting your child with Maths
Maths plays such an important role in everyday life. From buying the weekly shop and budgeting to simple things like putting enough water in the kettle to make a cuppa!
The best way to support your child with maths is to involve them in everyday activities and talk to them about how maths is important in real life situations. Helping children to learn their times tables is invaluable and this can be done in a fun way – through songs and games. Other ways you can help are:
Play games likes dominoes, cards, tic-tac-to and darts
Look for numbers in the environment
Cook together – weigh out ingredients, work out costs and quantities
Count money together (and with older children work out change)
Build with lego and construction kits
Measure – rooms, gardens, tables, walls – any space you’re measuring involve your child
Below are links to some useful documents or websites that you may find useful and of course if you’d like to know more, please contact school.
Supporting Well-Being
We introduced a program called My Happy Mind in September 2023 into all classes. My Happy Mind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves!
For further information and to access the My Happy Mind Parent app please visit:
Other sources of information and activities that you may find useful, can be found at: