We held a Fire Drill at school this morning. All children and staff left the building quickly and safely and clearly know the procedures to follow in the event of a fire. Well done everyone – great job! I thought I’d share some of the comments from the children following the drill:
“We heard the Fire Alarm, so we lined up by the door. We closed the windows in the class and then as we left we made sure the door was closed. This was to make sure no oxygen would fuel the fire!” Group of Year 5 Girls: Jessica, Scarlett, Amelia and Isla
“We were in the hall. I heard the alarm and I was scared but I stood up and quickly joined the line. We went outside and stayed quiet so that Miss Neal could take the register and then she told us it was a drill and safe to come back inside.” Theo, Year 4
“I’m glad we had a Fire Drill – it reminds us what to do if there’s a fire.” Thomas, Year 5
We have such sensible and brilliant children here at Park CP – da iawn pawb!
Mrs Billington