Annwyl Pawb, I’ve noticed over the last few days that the supermarkets are beginning to stock school uniforms in preparation for September!! Just a quick reminder of our School Uniform policy:
- Burgundy cardigan or jumper
- White polo shirt or t-shirt
- Plain black (or grey) jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts
- Sensible comfortable shoes, suitable for running around in.
Our uniform has been designed so that the children can participate in all activities throughout the day and to keep costs low for parents. Children do not need a separate PE kit or Forest School Kit. Children in Year 6 can wear the black, leavers hoodies/zoodies all year (they don’t need a additional burgundy jumper.) Cardigans and jumpers with our logo displayed are available (but not compulsory) from RAM Leisure. A pair of wellies or old trainers are required for Forest School. Some families may be eligible for financial support to purchase school uniforms, further information can be found here: Diolch, Mrs Billington Pennaeth