Happy New year! I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break.
This term in Amethyst class our theme is Cynefin and we’re asking “Who do we belong to?” We’ll be learning about Wales and the opportunities available here; talking about family dynamics and groups/clubs that we attend. We will be celebrating diversity and exploring the variety of cultures within our class.
In Maths we’ll be learning about pattern, weight (using the terms heavier than, lighter than and balanced) and how to practically subtract numbers within 10.
In Language, our aim is to continue with Read Write Inc, develop our knowledge of single letter sounds, introducing digraphs known to the children as ‘special friends’ and to develop our ability to blend these sounds together to read/spell simple words.
The Welsh phrases we’ll be using are:
- Bora da – Good morning.
- Pnawn da – Good afternoon.
- Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? – what is the weather like today?
- Sut wyt ti? – how are you?
- Beth wyt ti’n hoffi? – what do you like?
- Ble wyt ti’n byw? – Where do you live?
To support your child at home, you can:
- Listen to your child read over the weekend when RWI books are taken home.
- Take part in shared reading using the school library book, talking about what is happening in the pictures and looking for letters they recognise.
- Discuss the idea of ‘belonging’. For example, who belongs to your family? How do you belong to the community? Talk about where your relatives live and important aspects of your family’s culture.
- Encourage your child to use the Welsh words and phrases he/she knows.
Many thanks for your continued support, Mrs Cartwright