Our Prefects hold a prestigious role within school! They are a group of Year 6 children who have to apply for the role by writing, recording or emailing Mrs Billington, our Headteacher. We then have to decide if we want to be considered for the roles of Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies. If this is our ambition, then we have the opportunity to present our manifestos to the whole school in an assembly. Following this, a ballot opens and all staff and children are given the opportunity to vote.
Our Prefects are asked to “leave a legacy” – something that will improve our school and can be continued for many years to come.
Previous legacies include:
2021 to 2022 – Prefects created a Graduation Ceremony for Years 2 and 6 which is held in the cummer term, complete with caps, gowns and speeches.
2022 to 2023 – Superstar Staff Awards were introduced to thank our amazing staff for the wonderful work they do everyday
Our Prefect Group 2023 to 2024:
“Our first official role was representing school at the Llay Remembrance Parade and Service. We read the names of the fallen heroes of Llay and lay crosses in their memory.” Head Girl
Our Prefects have also been trained as Playmakers and will be using their new skills to support other year groups on the yard at break times and lunch times, we’ll keep you posted as to how that is going!