Hi as the colder weather is approaching, I thought I would take this opportunity to remind you that your children will be accessing Forest School each week in all weather conditions, on their allotted time slot, we are normally out for a couple of hours, we will be doing various activities to keep your child moving and provide a warm drink when the colder weather kicks in. If I could ask for your help when your child is attending Forest school that they wear or bring with them coats, hats and gloves and a spare pair of socks, wellies or walking boots if they have them, the school has some sizes but the larger sizes we are struggling with, any donations of unused wellies would be very much appreciated. Above is some advice for what clothing is appropriate on various weather days, I hope this helps. Although School Uniform is expected even on Forest School days. Just a reminder as we start the new half term Classes accessing Forest School: W/C 6/11/23 Monday -Emerald Tuesday- Ruby Wednesday-Idwal Thursday-Celyn Friday- Saphire W/C 13/11/23 Monday- Topaz Tuesday- Dyfrdwy Wednesday- Alun Thursday- Tegid Friday- Eryri Then every other week each class will access Forest school. Thankyou for your co-operation and ongoing help. Miss Bentley (Forest School Leader)