To celebrate St Dwynwen’s Day (the Welsh patron saint of love – much like St Valentine), our Criw Cymreig have asked if they can host a disco! They’re in the process of creating posters, but I though I’d give parents as much notice as possible! Thursday 25th January 2024 Infants (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) 4pm to 4.45pm Juniors (Years 3 to 6) 5pm to 6pm Nursery will be having their own little discos in class during the school day. The disco will be free of charge with sweets and pop provided. Children should be collected promptly afterwards from the doors on the front yard. Children in Years 5 & 6 who normally walk home will be able to do so, however, parents may want to collect given that it is likely to be dark. Please let your child know the arrangements. Best wishes, Mrs Billington Pennaeth