News: Year 6 Leaver’s Treat

Every year we ask our Year 6 children what they would like as a Leaver’s Treat. We’re always open to their suggestions and previous classes have chosen a disco; chips and pop in the park and a sporting fun afternoon. 
This year, the children told us that they’d like a ‘Splash Day’ and at the time the weather was glorious sunshine! Given the change in the weather recently, we’ve had to make adjustments to our plans. Therefore, we will be taking all of Year 6 to Plas Madoc Leisure Centre on Wednesday 19th July 2023 for a “Swim, Splash and Slide session!”
We’ll be going during the school day and there will be no charge for the activity. Children will need to bring their swimwear to school, along with a towel and a packed lunch. We will be travelling by coach. 
Please forward any questions to your child’s class teacher or email [email protected] 
Mrs Billington Pennaeth