Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
This term in Amber Morning class our theme is ‘Cynefin’ and we’re asking “Who do we belong to?”. We will be learning about our family, our school and our community.
In Maths we’ll be learning numbers 1-5, colours and shapes and in Language we will be learning to recognise and begin to write our own names.
The Welsh phrases we’ll be using are:
Bore da – Good morning
Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw- How’s the weather today?
heulog – sunny
wyntog – windy
gymylog – cloudy
bwrw glaw – raining
un, dau, tri – 1, 2, 3
diolch – thank you
To support your child at home, you can:
· Discuss the idea of belonging – who is in your family, including pets and extended family. How do you belong in the community? – Does your child go to church, go to clubs/groups, the library etc.
·Discuss shapes and colours in every day life – cars, houses, flowers, fruit, trees, clothes etc. ·Create a game – can you find me … e.g. 2 red items, 3 square objects etc. ·Draw your child’s names in bubble writing and encourage him/her to colour it or decorate it.
·Encourage your child to use the Welsh words he/she knows.
To help us in school, we would be grateful if you could send the completed ‘All About Me’ form to school with your child tomorrow please.
Thank you to everyone who has already emailed over the photos of your child and their family. If you haven’t yet sent them, could you please either email them to be at [email protected], or if it’s easier, send in paper copies. We will be using the photos to talk to your child about their family and they will also be used to make a family tree.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Adams
Class teacher