News: Dress Up Day & Theme

Good Morning Everyone,
It was brought to my attention this morning that information about tomorrow’s dress up day has not appeared on the website or app – I do apologise and thank you to parents for letting me know. (If I don’t know about these things then I can’t do anything about them!)  
Tomorrow is our launch day for this term’s theme “Famous People!” where we will be discussing the question “Just because we can, does it mean we should?”
This term: 
Early Years will be learning about Famous Nursery Rhyme characters (asking questions such as should Humpty Dumpty have sat on the wall given that he fell off?)
Years 1 & 2 will be learning out famous Fairy Tale characters (discussing if Goldilocks should have entered the Bears house at all?)
Years 3 & 4 will be learning about famous characters in books (was Matilda right to use her powers to scare Miss Trunchbull?) 
Years 5 & 6 will be learning about famous people in the present (on TV, YouTube and around the world) discussing current affairs and the moral dilemmas they face. 
We’d like all children (Nursery to Year 6) to come to school dressed up as either a famous person or someone who inspires them. 
They could be a footballer, a princess, a superhero, someone in the family they aspire to be like, a TV personality – the choice is endless.  PLEASE don’t buy anything especially for the day – it’s simply for fun, aimed at engaging the children and starting the discussions.
Once again, I apologise for the short notice – I honestly thought I’d included information in the newsletter and on the app. 
Best wishes,
Mrs Billington Headteacher